Sleeping on your stomach: is it bad for you?

sleeping on your stomach

Sleeping on your stomach: is it bad, or is it beneficial?

Sleeping on your stomach is one of the most common positions, especially when we want to fall asleep. However, despite being one of the most popular sleeping positions, we find a lot of information and advice against this posture.

Just like sleeping on your back or on your side, sleeping on your stomach has its advantages and disadvantages. It is true that the optimal way to protect our back and neck is to sleep on our back, but it can also be very frustrating to force ourselves to rest in a way that is not comfortable and natural. 

The solution? If we have discovered that sleeping on our stomach is the only way to feel comfortable, it is best to choose a suitable mattress that promotes rest in this position, as well as some pillows designed for sleeping in this way.

If you are also one of those who sleep on their stomach, this is your post, we tell you what the main disadvantages of this position are but also some benefits and we answer one of the main questions regarding this position, with or without a pillow?

Disadvantages of sleeping on your stomach

Among the three most popular sleeping positions: on your back, on your side, and on your stomach, the last option is the one that experts find more disadvantages with. In fact, some of them consider it unnatural and forced, and advise correcting it gradually. 

But, there is no need to worry excessively; if you cannot avoid sleeping on your stomach, with a good mattress and a good pillow, most of the harmful effects on our health can be corrected.

Although, it is always important to have this information. Therefore, we highlight the main disadvantages of sleeping on your stomach:

  1. It is the best posture to avoid snoring: Compared to other options, we snore the most when lying on our backs; this posture minimises snoring. In fact, some people stop snoring if they sleep face down.
  2. Sometimes it relieves arm and shoulder pain: By resting in an elevated posture, some people experience relief when choosing to sleep this way.

Sleeping face down: with or without a pillow?

One of the most common questions among people who sleep face down is whether it is necessary to have a good pillow or not.

Each sleeping position has its advantages and disadvantages, and the best way to avoid any problems is to have the best allies for your rest. That is, choosing the best mattress and the best pillows according to your sleeping position.

When sleeping face down, it is most advisable to choose a thin option that is not very firm to minimise neck strain. That's why, some people recommend not using a pillow at all. However, you've surely noticed that it can be somewhat uncomfortable.

For us pillows are an essential element for a comfortable rest in which we can sleep comfortably and throughout the night. Our recommendation is that you take your time when choosing until you find the perfect pillow for your posture. As we mentioned before, the best option to avoid straining the cervical spine if you like to sleep face down is a thin and not too hard pillow. That is, we recommend looking for options that are less than 11 cm thick and quite soft.

In this way you will avoid creating an overly pronounced curve between your cervical spine and spinal column, you will not feel suffocated because your face sinks too much into the pillow, and you can enjoy the comfort and softness of resting on a piece specially designed to ensure you a restorative sleep.


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